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Joint Primary 6 Examination Certificate, 1957 (Yeung Tin-choi)

Issued by The Hong Kong Education Department (established in 1865)
25.3 x 20.8 cm
Paper, black ink printing
Inscribed by the creator, left to right on left-hand side : "This is to certify that Yeung Tin Choi of Tsung Chun (Shaukiwan) School has completed a 6-year Primary Course. He/She sat for the Government Joint Class Primary 6 Examination at the end of the Primary Course and was found to have reached a satisfactory standard in the following subjects / GENERAL KNOWLEDGE / CHINESE / ARITHMETIC / ENGLISH" ; Inscribed by the creator, right to left on right-hand side : "茲証明學生楊天才在崇真學校小學六年級修業期滿並經參加教育司署舉辦之小學六年級會考下列各科成績合格 / 常識 / 中文 / 算術 / 英文" ; signed and dated: "Date / SEP 1957 / p. Director of Education".
Cream paper with black typing ink and blue stamps. B/W passport photograph with embossed stamp of the Hong Kong Education Department is adhered on the bottom of left-hand side.
Joint Primary 6 Examination was fist started in 1949. Chinese, English, Arithmetic and General Knowledge were the designate courses being assessed. The examination was regularly held in the consecutive 4 mornings between May and June. Only those candidates who passed the Examination with good grades were admitted to government or grant-in-aid secondary schools. In addition, over one hundred top candidates with outstanding academic achievement would be awarded the Government Scholarship. In 1962, it was substituted by the Secondary School Entrance Examination (SSEE). It was a selective examination for primary six leavers to determine whether they could proceed to secondary schools. With the implementation of nine years of free education, Secondary School Places Allocation System was introduced in 1978 to replace the SSEE. No examination was required and every student could be allocated a secondary school place under the new system.
  • Mr Tin-Choi YEUNG
