Wan Chai Church Primary School (Kindergarten) Student Identity Card (Year 1955 first semester)
The Wan Chai Church was established in 1863 by the London Missionary Society. The original location of the church established at a separate building on Wan Chai Road. Classrooms were used for classes and the underground hall was used for religious activities. After the Second World War, the church purchased the current site of Chuk Kui Terrace and in 1954, the Wan Chai Church School, Wan Chai Church Night School and Wan Chai Church Kindergarten were established.
On the cover: "一九五五年度上學期", "學生上課證", "教導部" and logo of "灣仔堂學校". Inside the identity card, on the right side: "姓名: 陸觀豪", "年齡: 四歲", "籍貫:(**)", "班別:幼稚園甲班". On the left side: "有效期間以有蓋章之次數為限繳交學費另發收條".
Cardboard with blue and red ink printing. B/W passport photo on the right inner page with Hong Kong Wan Chai Church Primary School (Teaching Section) stamped on it. On the left inner page, five red ink name seal stamped.
- Mr Koon Hoo, Roger Luk