Photo of the drama "Yue Wu-mu"(岳武穆), a drama performance organised by the Rural Training College Alumni Association [No.2]
12.3 x 8 cm
Photographic paper
Yue Wu-mu, also named as Yue Fei, was a famous Chinese patriot and military general who fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the Jurchen armies of the Jin Dynasty. He was imprisoned and killed by the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty because of suspicion. Yue Fei has evolved into the standard model of loyalty in Chinese culture. People like to adapt his story for drama.
The photo showed that Yue Fei’s daughter, Yin Ping, came to the prison visiting her father. Ms. Lu Qi-xian (left), the eighth-year graduate of Rural Training College played the role of Yin Ping.
- Rural Training College Past Students Association