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Ms Fok’s report card for the the first term of her third year of junior secondary school for girls in Hong Kong (1945)

Ms Fok’s report card for the the first term of her third year of junior secondary school for girls in Hong Kong, which was issued on 12 January 1945, during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. She was a graduate of the first class of the Rural Training College.
12 January 1945
Title: 香港聖保祿女中學 學生成績報告表 民國卅四年一月十二日上學期試騐 初中三年級學生霍善勤; The form reads: 學科,第一段,第二段,期考; The subjects include: 國文(讀本、書法、作文、經學)、算學(代數、幾何、三角、算術)、歷史(本國史、世界史)、地理(本國地理、世界地理)、理科(科學、生物、動物)、公民、衛生、日語、國語、圖畫、體育、音樂、手工、行檢; The other form items are: 告假、總計、平均、通均、本級人數、名次、校長、本級主任 Rank: First place; Principal: 卜理覺; Head Grade: 梁士翠

